2014 gav AS3 ut en bok i samband med sitt 25-årsjubileum. De 25 historier som utgör jubileumsboken kommer från våra kunder och kandidater. De berättar om sina erfarenheter inom strategisk ledning, förändringsledning, verksamhetsavvecklingar, massuppsägningar, stresshantering och executive coaching.


"Over the years, we have spent billions making employee redundant"

read the story from TDC

DONG Energy

"You start to feel empty pretty quickly once the phone stops ringing"

Read the story from DONG ENERGY


"Even though it is part of being a manager, it is tough to see their agony"

Read the story from Systematic


"It can't be true! Things are going well so we can't close. Can we?"

Read the story from wittenborg


"After all, there is no danger in being clear as a manager"

Read the story from skandia

Niklas Savander

"It is impossible to prepare for being between jobs"

read the story about NIKLAS SAVANDER


"We never see our employees as expenses"

Read the story from Kjøpmannshuset